We regularly receive complaints from patients who are experiencing neck pain and are seeking relief. With today’s sedentary and digitally connected life, it’s not uncommon for this complaint to be the result of too many hours spent leaning over our devices. Treatment for chronic neck pain is available, but the path it takes is dependent on the specific causes of your pain. If you’re experiencing neck pain that is accompanied by loss of strength in your hands or arms, or even numbness, it’s essential that you be seen by a professional as soon as possible.

What Symptoms Are Associated With Neck Pain?

The essential thing to know is that neck pain is typically a symptom of an underlying condition. This underlying condition can be environmental in nature, or it can be the result of any number of ailments, including osteoporosis. The most common symptoms that indicate neck pain include:

• Pain resulting or intensified by extended periods working at a computer, driving, or other activity that involves holding your head in place for extended periods.

• Spasms or tightness of the muscles in the neck caused by strain, stress, or injury.

• The inability to move your head freely or within its full natural range.

• Recurring headaches

These symptoms all point to a condition impacting the health and mobility of your neck and can serve as indicators for the reasons behind your neck pain.

What Causes Neck Pain?

Your neck is responsible for supporting the weight of your head and needs to be flexible to allow you to look around and function normally. These two facts result in it being vulnerable to damage or developing conditions that restrict that movement. The most common neck pain sources include:

Compression of Nerves – When bone spurs or herniated discs occur, it’s possible for them to compress the nerves that extend from the spinal cord.

Disease – Rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, and meningitis can all be causes of neck pain, along with other diseases.

Strained Muscles – Extended periods hunching over your electronic devices, driving, reading in bed, or clenching your teeth can all result in muscle strain that affects the neck.

Joint Wear – As we age, the joints in our neck can undergo consistent wear and tear. The cartilage between your vertebrae can begin to break down as the result of osteoarthritis. Bone spurs will then form that can impact movement and cause discomfort.

These are some of the most frequent sources of neck pain, with injury and trauma filling out the list. If you’ve recently been experiencing symptoms related to neck pain, and would like to seek the help of professionals, reach out to Ocean Spine today. From our offices in Los Angeles, Long Beach, and South Bay, we help patients take back their lives from chronic pain conditions such as neck pain. Dr. Pranay Patel is ready to receive you and help you start down the road to relief from pain from spinal conditions such as neck pain today. We’re ready to welcome you to our patient family, so call today!

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