Outpatient Surgery

If you are in search of a professional who will attend to your needs, you can’t go wrong with Dr. Patel. Contact our office at your earliest convenience to schedule your consultation. We look forward to serving you and your family for many years to come.

Welcome to Ocean Spine

There are many benefits to having your surgery outside of the hospital. In a smaller facility our experts can focus on your spines unique demands. Outpatient Surgery has proven to have increased  pre-operative time, operative time, and postoperative recovery.

Compassionate and Caring Staff

Our team of experts are dedicated to providing you with minimally invasive, maximally effective spine surgeries. We provide patients with spinal surgeries away from the hospital.

Exceeding Limitations
We exceed hospital safety and care standards.
High Patient Satisfaction
We have an increased patient recovery rate.
Decreased Risk of Infection
We do not admit patients with infectious diseases.

Paving the Way for Better Outcomes

Core Care